Synkar din mens med en kompis?

Why do some experience that their periods synchronize when spending time together? Can it really? 

According to new research, you can't synchronize your period with another person. Let us explain how it really is...

This has been talked about since 1971 when the first hypothesis about menstrual synchronization came out. Then Martha K. McClintock wrote an article about women who spent time together synchronizing their menstrual cycle. This was then based on experiments with mice and women who stated that this was true.

More recent research and studies have found very little support for menstrual synchronization being a real phenomenon. A 2006 study analyzed 186 menstruating people living in dormitories. They showed no statically significant evidence of synchronization. Another comprehensive study from 2017 used an app to track menstrual cycles and also found no support for synchronization.

The newest scientific studies today show that menstrual synchronization is likely a myth or a phenomenon that does not have strong scientific evidence to support it. Much of the perceived synchronization can likely be explained by chance and natural variations in menstrual cycles rather than any form of biological or chemical influence between individuals.

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