Get involved in the issue!

We are so happy that you are here and ready to make groundbreaking change in your school and wider community! Through advocating for free and accessible menstrual products in your school, you are creating long lasting change not only for you and your fellow students, but also for generations of students to come! If you are interested in getting involved with this important menstrual equity work at the school level, you have come to the right place! ❤️

Spread the word! 💌

Does your school, favorite restaurant or gym not have free and accessible menstrual products in the bathrooms? Become a part of the RedLocker Community to help change this! By filling out the form below, you let us know where RedLocker should be placed and you get access to materials that can help you spread the word.

For more information, please read our FAQ or say 👋 to us if you have questions at

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