Gratis mensskydd - RedLocker

Lena Apler: Calling crypto a currency is not okay

One of the companies that Lena Apler chose was Redlocker, which distributes free tampons in workplaces and schools. The company was founded in 2018 by Liza Eriksson and Clara Lidman during High School, and was initially started as a JA (Junior Achievement) project. "An obvious innovation" says Lena Apler, who is impressed by the founders. "They are only 21 years old, and I think back when I was 21 myself - I was not as driven." Read more

Gratis mensskydd på skolor

Dispensers with menstrual products at schools in Nyköping

Södermanlands Nyheter
A number of schools in Nyköping will offer dispensers with free menstrual products. “We want to normalize menstruation,” says Malwa Lundberg, a student at Vittraskolan. Read more or listen here!

Gratis mensskydd i skolor

We will soon offer free menstrual products to students

Hagfors Municipality
Menstruation affects women in different ways. But a common denominator is the need for menstral products. Starting in the spring term 2022, there will be dispensers with free menstrual products in all schools in the Hagfors municipality. The initiative for free menstrual products comes from the student council 7-9 at ÄBC. The school administration was quickly on board with the proposal from the students. Read more

Idrottsförening har gratis mensskydd

Önnereds HK has free tampons in their hall

Gothenburg Post
Önnereds HK is the first sport's association to set up dispensers that provide free tampons in its hall. An initiative is praised by the players with hopes that it will lead to more knowledge about how the menstrual cycle can affect players' feelings and performance. Read more

ICA har gratis mensskydd

Ica Brottbyhallen raffles out Redlocker to a school in the county

ICA Brottbyhallen is collaborating with the company Redlocker. On Thursday, October 28 they will raffle out a menstrual product dispenser on their social media to a random school. Read more

Gratis mensskydd på gymnasium

Period product dispensers in High School - they are first in Borlänge: "It was not even a discussion"

Dala Democrat
Disa Bartholdsson, temporary school administrator and teacher, Denisia Vuori, student council chairman and Kristina Hagdahl, assistant principal. This is how the menstrual product dispensers look like. Read more

Gratis mensskydd på skola

Students at Timrå High School are offered free tampons at the school.

SVT news
In Timrå High School, students can have access to tampons at any time during the school day. - The dispenser is for students to feel safe during their school day, says Timrå High School principal Malin Rönnqvist. Read more

Jämställdhet med gratis mensskydd

Free period products to all students in Kalix: A question of equality

Kalix kommun kommer att erbjuda gratis mensskydd i skolorna. Det här beslutade utbildningsnämnden vid sitt senaste sammanträde. Skolorna kommer att köpa in mensskydd som eleverna kan hämta från en automat. Läs hela artikeln här

Draknästet - så har det gått för RedLocker

Tested our luck on TV - this is how it has been since then

SVD Näringsliv
"Another duo who participated in this year's season were Liza Eriksson and Clara Lidman, who presented a dispenser that provides tampons in public bathrooms." Read more

Fria mensskydd

At the touch of a button, a tampon comes out of the red dispensers. It is one of the investments made by Praktiska High School in Karlstad for the autumn term.

“In many ways, it should be obvious that you have access to the products required for your daily hygiene, regardless of gender, and menstrual products are one of those needs. "Previously we have had access to it on our student café and at the school nurse" he says before he continues: "But this means that you have to ask for something, which can be an obstacle and a nuisance. This initiative is about wanting to remove the taboo, it should not be strange." says Rector Tobias Ejdeholm. Read more

Succé i Draknästet med fria mensskydd

20-year-olds success company - All TV-Dragons invested

Liza Eriksson och Clara Lidman tog drakarna med storm. Det blev huggsexa om andelarna i tjejernas bolag som tagit fram en smart automat som tillhandahåller mensskydd på toaletter utanför hemmet. Med friska investerarmiljoner på kontot har 20-åringarna fortsatt bygga sitt bolag efter succén i ”Draknästet”. Läs hela artikeln här

RedLocker i Draknästet

Redlock in Draknästet (The Dragon's Den)

Fem av Sveriges främsta investerare backar RedLocker. Det var ingen tvekan om att det skulle bli en investering i Draknästet när det istället blev huggsexa om att få vara med på RedLockers resa. Nu börjar nästa kapitel i förändringsarbetet, som redan kommit långt och vi är redo att ta vår viktiga lösning vidare ut i världen. “För oss blev utfallet i Draknästet en möjlighet att expandera vidare ut i världen, jag hoppas att vår medverkan går till historien”, säger Clara Lidman, VD på RedLocker AB. Titta på Draknästet här